Marla's Life

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hi again... Well here I am day two of "Blogging", think I got the photo thingy figured out, but time will tell.

I had something that came up today so I thought I'd share it with you all...
My daughter and I have this "thing" that whenever we say goodbye to each other; that we choose to say "love ya" instead of "goodbye" in case it is the last time we see each other; then there will be no regrets...

We started this tradition when my older sister dropped her little guy (18 months old) off at his daycare and before she ever saw him again he had died (unknown cause) so after that tradgedy my daughter and I decided we'd never want to leave the other feeling as my sister had - that she needed one more time to say "I Love You" to her son.

I have taken this thought process one step beyond my family members... and on to the friends that I think are special in my life, if you are reading this blog then you are one of them!

Love ya